Sustainability in our implementation
We aim to achieve sustainable growth and raise our value to society.As a manufacturer of industrial furnaces and waste treatment equipment, our company has been developing products with a focus on energy conservation and reducing environmental impact for over 55 years since our founding.
In addition, in order to live up to our management philosophy of “raising the value of our company’s existence in society,” we not only work on environmental issues, but also actively promote globalization and network building with industry, academia, and government. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Based on our management philosophy of “raising the value of our company’s existence in society,” we will contribute to the realization of the SDGs through our business activities.
Global Network
- Helping bring stability to sustained economic activity by building a global network.
- We contribute to economic and employment stability in regions around the world by expanding our overseas sales and procurement networks.
- We help improve sustainability by providing guidance on technologies, quality, and production management to our overseas partners.
- We help generate local employment by actively recruiting non-Japanese employees.
People and Environment
- Developing products that prevent hazardous chemical emissions as well as air, water, and soil pollution.
- We help prevent air pollution by adopting combustion technologies that reduce emissions of hazardous chemicals.
- We put priority on using people- and environment-friendly materials.
Technical Education
- Providing young people with opportunities for high-quality technical and vocational education.
- Through internships, joint research with universities, and other endeavors, we provide young people with work experience opportunities that help them acquire technical and vocational skills.
Gender Equality
- Providing workplaces in which women can fully demonstrate their abilities and succeed.
- We strive to eliminate all forms of gender inequality in the workplace and promote the creation of work environments in which women can fully demonstrate their abilities and succeed.
CO2 Emissions Reduction
- Striving to conserve energy and resources by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy efficiency.
- We help reduce CO2 by providing customers who develop and manufacture new CO2-reducing products and materials with high value-added equipment that makes use of advanced technologies in the areas of ultra-high temperature, high vacuum, and high pressure.
- We endeavor to conserve resources by developing highly fuel-efficient and energy-efficient equipment using advanced thermal and fluid analysis simulation technologies.
Eco Solution
- Striving to reduce and recycle waste and developing waste treatment technologies.
- We develop new solidification technologies that are suitable for radioactive waste treatment and contaminated soil remediation.
- We help reduce waste by operating an efficient procurement system that does not produce excess inventory.
- We appropriately separate waste and actively recycle it.
- We actively use recycled materials as part of our contribution to a recycling-oriented society.
ADVAN ENG’S SDGsWe support the “Project on Connecting and Supporting Forests, Countryside, Rivers, and Sea” of the Ministry of the Environment
What is the “Project on Connecting and Supporting Forests, Countryside, Rivers, and Sea”?
“Forests,” “countryside,” “rivers,” and “sea” represent the blessings of nature supporting our lives, and are interconnected and affected by each other. However, excessive development and inadequate use or management of these elements have broken their connections and degraded the quality of each element. These adverse effects have also been worsened by such issues as climate change and population decline or aging, and are beginning to affect our lives. Under such circumstances, the Ministry of the Environment launched the Project on Connecting and Supporting Forests, Countryside, Rivers, and Sea in December 2014.
Its project name means “preserve forests, countryside, rivers, and sea and connect them,” but it is also important to involve people.
Each of us should change our mindset and attitude to support the forests, countryside, rivers, and sea.
Details of ADVAN ENG’s activities
Niigata City’s Umibenomori forest conservation (four times a year)
Umibenomori in Kita Ward, Niigata City is a coastal forest mostly consisting of Japanese black pine trees and has been designated as a shifting sand prevention forest and a public health forest . However, it has lost many pine trees due to a huge outbreak of pine weevils that began around 2011.
We conduct conservation activities such as weed removal to allow the pine trees to grow, and volunteer activities for improving the environment of the Umibenomori forest, which many people visit, four times a year.

Initiatives for internal greening
To help conserve the natural environment, we promote planting on the company premises.
Although not a huge environmental contribution, it is intended to raise awareness throughout the company.
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